FAQs: New Quiz Structure

What is changing?

Answer: Going forward, the new quiz requirements include:

  • The passing score for quizzes will be 85%.
    • Note: We strongly encourage you to retake the quiz until you achieve 100%. Mastering the materials will only increase your ability to earn a job, impress your manager, and launch your career as an MRI Technologist.
  • We will no longer provide the questions answered incorrectly.

When will this change go into effect?

Answer: Tuesday, May 21, at 11:59 PM ET

Why is this changing?

Answer: This change is designed to encourage a deeper understanding of the material while developing your own problem solving abilities. As an MRI Technologist, you will be required to operate independently, and we believe this change will help you learn to do just that.

If I have already completed my didactic work, does this change impact me? Will I need to retake my quizzes?

Answer: No, prior didactic work that has already been completed is not impacted by this change.

Does this change impact the Mock Exam?

Answer: No, Mock Exam requirements are unchanged.

If I’m in the middle of my didactic work, does this change only apply to my remaining quizzes?

Answer: Yes, the change only impacts your remaining quizzes. Quizzes passed before the effective date are not impacted.

What are the benefits of this change?

Answer: Our team is always looking for ways to iterate and further improve the learning experience within our program. To that end, one goal of this change is to encourage a more measured approach to quiz taking, as the prior model incentivized speed over accuracy. This new model is designed to enhance retention of learning material, which will better prepare students for the Mock Exam and, ultimately, the Registry Exam. Additionally, this shift allows us to meet accreditation requirements as we explore ARRT approval in the future

If I score 84.7% on a quiz, will that satisfy the passing score?

No. Quiz grades are not rounded up, so you would need to retake the quiz until you score 85% or higher.

I scored 85% or higher, but less than 100%, on a quiz before the effective date. Does that count or do I need to take the quiz again?

The new quiz grading will not be retroactively applied to quizzes taken before the effective date and will be graded against the previous grading model.

The reason for this is that under the new model does not show which questions you got wrong. We want to ensure you are able to pass the quiz under the new model.