Apprentiscope Instructions

Apprentiscope Instructions

Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Program

Dallas College Representative:  Lynn Knox-Brennan, 512-634-6505, Email:

PART 1: Set up Account (Use Google Chrome Web Browser)

  1. Receive email: FROM ApprentiScope – SUBJECT ApprentiScope Account Setup
  2. Email Message:
  3. Hello! [Dallas College representative name] invited you to join ApprentiScope. Click the "Get Started" button below to create your account. If you have any issues setting up your account, feel free to contact our friendly support team at

  4. Click the “Get Started” button
  5. Onboard ApprentiScope opens in new window
  6. Click Get Started
  7. Create your account – Apprentice – General
  8. Enter General Information
    1. Name – Address – DOB – SSN – Phone # - Employment Status (new or existing) – Etc.
  9. Answer all questions
  10. Click Continue
  11. Create your account – Apprentice – Education
  12. Enter Education Information
    1. Education Level and follow-up questions, if applicable
      1. How many years of high school did you complete?
      2. How many years of college did you complete?
      3. How many years of vocational school did you complete?
  13. Click Continue
  14. Choose a Password for your account
  15. Agree to ApprentiScope Terms and Conditions
  16. Click Finish

NOTE: You’ll receive another email: FROM ApprentiScope – SUBJECT Your account setup is complete!


Dashboard (first in blue list on left)

OJT Progress bar: Competencies Completed (i.e., 0/131); Hours Completed (0 hrs)

Technical Progress: List of competencies (do not appear to be in any particular order)


My Info: Name (Apprentice) – Occupation – Employer: Make sure this information is correct and that you are in the correct occupation/IRAP with the correct employer


Journals (second in blue list on left)

No Journals Found

Click blue ‘plus’ sign button on bottom right to add a new Journal entry

  • Select Date
  • Body: Insert Text
  • Top Right: Quit (X) – Save Draft (middle icon) – Submit (checkmark)
  • If you Sumit, it will be there when you click on ‘Journals’ next time
    • You can also add comments, edit, and/or delete journal entries

Mentors (third in blue list on left)

No Mentors Found – you will not have any mentors in ApprentiScope for IRAPs

Time Log (fourth in blue list on left)

Brings up calendar – We are not tracking RTI (related instruction) – you can track if you want to but you don’t have to for reporting purposes (this may vary by employer)

If you do want to track your hours:

  • Click on Log RTI
  • Choose the course
  • Enter number of hours
  • Enter date
  • Click Submit or X to Cancel

Progress (fifth in blue list on left)

Overall progress in blue banner at top: Hours Completed – Percent Completed – Hours Remaining

Lists all competencies by section

IRAPs are not time-based but because of the way ApprentiScope is set up, each competency was entered with one (1) associated hour

You can click on each competency to see how it is labeled

  • Recipes and Menu Implementation (Competency Domain 1 – this is basically a Title)
  • All competencies listed under Recipes and Menu Implementation will be learned in the IRAP
  • If you have learned a competency efficiently and effectively, and you haven’t already been graded on that topic, you can click on ‘Request Evaluation’ and your Preceptor (Supervisor) will get a notification to grade you on that competency

My Data (last in blue list on left)

Personal Information

Demographic Information

Education Information

H-1B (DCCCD) Fields

  • Please complete this section at your earliest convenience
  • Because this program is funded by a federal grant, we have to report these statistics to the U.S. Department of Labor
  • If you click on the ‘I’ (information), it will give you a definition or description of the information that is needed
    • Examples
      • Highest Grade Completed in School (K-12 grades)
      • Highest Education Level Completed (High School, GED, Certification, Etc.)
  • If you need to change information or make edits, simply change information and click on blue save button floating around at the top right of the screen

Bell (left of Name in top right corner)


  • No Notifications = You’re all caught up!
  • If you sent a competency to be evaluated, your Preceptor (Supervisor) should have a notification here, on their account.
  • Once your competency is evaluated, you might get a notification here on your account (I’m not sure yet, but will want you to let me know what type of notifications you receive)

Name (right of Bell with photo option in top right corner)

Click on name

My Account: General Information – Account – Files – Settings

General Information

  • Name – Email Address – Phone – Occupation – Employer
  • Can edit information by clicking on the blue pencil in the top right corner of the screen

Account Information

  • Change password – Upload profile photo – Upload files – Dark mode – User ID


  • If you upload any documents, they will be here
  • I have uploaded your Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) documents to your file (should be here)


  • Look & Feel – Dark mode (toggle)

Contact Administrator: Name – Phone Icon – Email Icon (not sure who this is for Apprentices – maybe me?)

Report a Bug: If there’s something wonky going on with ApprentiScope or your account – please report it

  • A form opens in a new tab
  • You have the ability to upload an attachment (sometimes screenshots are helpful attachments to upload)

Support Center: ApprentiScope Help – Tutorials – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Sign Out: I highly recommend/encourage you to Bookmark the login page

📝Patient Screening Form