
ApprentiScope Overview & Onboarding

ApprentiScope is a training management system used to track completion of required competencies starting in Phase 1 and, eventually, clinical hours later in the program.

How To Login

You will receive an email from ApprentiScope. Click on the link in the email.

How to Set Up Your Account

Follow the instructions listed at the link below:

ApprentiScope Set up Instructions
If you don’t have a clinical site or employer yet, put “Tesla Institute of MRI Technology” as your employer during your account set up.

What You Will Track

Clinical Hours: You will log your OJT (On the Job) hours.

  • If you are in an apprenticeship program, you will log your hours each day.
  • If you are considered an unpaid intern, you will log your hours only when you are there to get your hands-on training.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Click Submit RIT Hours.


Step 2: Select the date you completed the module.


Step 3: Find the module you completed and input the hours the module is worth. The hours a module is worth can be found underneath each module (see the screenshot below). 

Example: Inputting 4 hours for "Overview of MRI" will mark the module as complete.


Step 4: Click the Submit button.

How To Log OJT Hours

  • If you are in an apprenticeship program, you will log your hours each day.
  • If you are considered an unpaid intern, you will log your hours only when you are there to get your hands-on training.

How To: For further information on how to log your OJT hours, please refer to this How To video.

What Your Mentor/Preceptor Will Track

Once you begin hands-on clinical training, your Mentor (aka: Preceptor) will be added to ApprentiScope and will complete the following on a monthly basis:

  • Submit Monthly “Tesla Student Performance Evaluation”: Your mentor will submit this monthly evaluation via ApprentiScope.
  • Mark off Competencies: Your Mentor will check off any completed competencies that are labeled as “Preceptor Check Off”
    • All other competencies will be checked off by Tesla Institute staff.
  • Audit OJT Hours You Submit: Your Mentor will audit any OJT hours you have submitted.
For more information, check out the Student/Mentor Guidebook.