

General Questions

  • Who do I reach out to if I have questions?
    • Tuition/invoice questions: finance@teslamrinstitute.org
    • Instruction or general questions: instruction@teslamrinstitute.org
    • ScanLab questions: robin@teslamrinstitute.org (Sandbox requests: submit via form)
  • I emailed Tesla on Friday evening. It’s now Saturday, and I haven’t received a response. Why?
    • Our standard office hours are Monday - Friday, 8-5pm ET.
    • If you send an email outside our office hours, we will assist you once we reopen.
  • How long do I have to complete each Phase?

Lecture Questions

  • Where can I find live lectures?
  • What timezone is the Academic Calendar in?
    • The calendar should default to the Eastern Timezone.
    • There are occasions when the calendar may default to your local timezone. The bottom lefthand of the Academic Calendar page should specify the timezone being shown.
  • How do I track my live lecture attendance?
  • How many lectures am I required to attend?
  • How do I know which Zoom link to use for each lecture?
    • The Zoom link is included in the calendar event for each lecture.
  • Why am I not admitted into the lecture if I am 5 minutes late?
    • Our instructors ask all students to please be ready to go 5 minutes prior to the start time. Tardy students disrupt the session and there is much to get done in a short amount of time.

Tuition/Payment Questions

  • I have a tuition/payment question. Who do I contact?
    • Our Finance Team at finance@teslamrinstitute.org.
  • I received an email from finance@teslamrinstitute.org. What do I do?
    • Please respond directly to the email.
    • All emails from our Finance Team should be responded to in a timely manner to resolve any possible issues.

MISC Questions

Does the required reading materials go along with the teachable modules?

There are not specific references to any chapter or page in those books, however, it is another valuable source of information that should be looked at and studied. You may be able to get them used on Amazon. It does not have to be the latest edition.

What is the difference between ARMRIT and ARRT?

ARMRIT and ARRT are both certification bodies to certify MRI technologists. ARMRIT certifies ONLY MRI techs. Both ARMRIT and ARRT are fully recognized by the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS). ARMRIT certification is every 3 years. ARRT is every 2. ARRT requires technologist to re-take the MRI exam every 10 years. ARMRIT does not have that requirement.