Registry Prep

When will I be ready to begin Registry Prep?

Students are ready to begin Registry Prep once they have met the following:

✅ Finished all didactic modules (including all Teachable modules and Classmarker quizzes).

✅ Completed at least 80% of your clinical hours.

✅ Have IV experience

If you don’t have IV experience, email us at for tips.

✅ Had your comps checked off in ApprentiScope.

These comps are labeled as “preceptor to check off.”

✅ Had a recent evaluation completed by your mentor/preceptor within the last 2 weeks.

How do I begin Registry Prep?

Our team conducts regular reviews to determine if students are ready to begin Registry Prep.

If our team determines that you’re ready for Registry Prep, then you will receive an email with the subject “Action Needed: Registry Prep Onboarding.”

If you believe that you have met the requirements to begin Registry Prep and have not received an email from our team with next steps, please email us at

When can I take the ARMRIT Registry Exam?

You must officially graduate from the Tesla MRI Institute of Technology program and receive your official Graduation Certificate before you can take the ARMRIT Registry Exam.

Once you have officially graduated from the Tesla MRI program, then you are eligible to sit for the ARMRIT Registry Exam.