Update: New Quiz Structure

Dear students,

I hope you’re having a great week. Back on May 2, 2024, you received an email outlining an upcoming change to our quiz format going forward. I’m reaching back out to provide an update, as well as a reminder regarding the upcoming change.

When will change go into effect?

Tuesday, May 21, at 11:59 PM ET

What is changing?

As outlined in our prior email, the required passing score on quizzes will be adjusted to 85%, but we will no longer provide you with which questions were answered incorrectly. You will still be required to complete these quizzes without the use of notes or external aid. And if you do not pass a quiz within three times, we encourage you to rewatch the corresponding module to soak in the information, as all quiz answers are covered within each module.

Why is this changing?

This change is designed to encourage a deeper understanding of the material while developing your own problem solving abilities. As an MRI Technologist, you will be required to operate independently, and we believe this change will help you learn to do just that.

While you will soon be required to achieve an 85% to pass, we strongly encourage you to retake the quiz until you achieve 100%. Mastering the materials will only increase your ability to earn a job, impress your manager, and launch your career as an MRI Technologist.

Where can I learn more?

Check out this FAQ. As always, we also encourage you to reach us at instruction@teslamrinstitute.org if you have any questions.

We are excited to watch these changes positively impact your learning experience.

Best regards,

Tom Schrack, ARMRIT, MRSO

Co-Founder & Program Director

Tesla Institute of MRI Technology